CyberPaws CTF: Week 6 (Spring)
Decryption Description
The next CyberPaws CTF challenge has been released! Please submit your flag to the "Prize Pup Bot" on our Discord via DMs, using the `!submit` command! You have until our next meeting to submit. The flag will always be in the following format: Paws{ex4mpl3_fl4g}.
Category: Crypto
Challenge Name: Decryption Description
Your division has been handed these keys and an encrypted file. In order to decrypt this file, you'll need to use the contents of the keys somehow. Maybe what lies within the keys will give you the clue? (The flag will be in Paws{} format inside of the decrypted file, just paste it in when you're done)
Best of Luck,
William Brooks
CyberDawgs President
Posted: March 25, 2024, 8:54 PM