Club Meeting Tonight! Week 4 (Spring)
Topic: OWASP Top 10
Hey CyberDawgs!
New week, new meeting! Our weekly meetings continue tonight, from 7:10 PM to 9:00 PM in ITE 231. You can also join us virtually on Webex:
This week, we will be discussing the OWASP Foundation, in particular their "Top 10" for web application security. We will discussing what the OWASP Foundation is, the risks on their "Top 10" list, the relevance of the list in 2024, how different exploits work, how to patch/prevent exploitation, and finally demonstrations of the exploits themselves. Regardless of your current knowledge, tonight will be a great opportunity to learn about the importance of web security and how to defend your future projects. We look forward to seeing everyone tonight!
OWASP Website:
As a reminder, this week's submissions for the CyberPaws CTF challenge will close at the start of tonight's meeting. Remember to submit your flag! Also, if you would like a hint, you can DM a board member to receive one.
Again, don't hesitate to reach out to me on Discord (@truegritter), if you have any questions. And as always, Don't Do Crime.
Kind Regards,
William Brooks
CyberDawgs President
Posted: March 4, 2024, 1:59 PM