CyberPaws CTF: Week 2 (Spring)
Choo Choo!
The next CyberPaws CTF challenge has been released! Please submit your flag to the "Prize Pup Bot" on our Discord via DMs, using the `!submit` command! You have until our next meeting to submit. The flag will always be in the following format: Paws{ex4mpl3_fl4g}.
Category: Crypto
Challenge Name: Choo Choo!
You've been made lead investigator on a railway company related fraud scheme. The FBI has been trying to catch the fraudsters for years, and finally, they managed to capture one of the fraudster's dead drops, hidden under an old boxcar. You're the best detective we've got, can you figure out what this strange sequence of text, numbers, and spaces could mean? (Your submission will contain numbers, punctuation, and letters, all lowercase, and spaces. It should be surrounded by Paws, like so: Paws{this 1snt th3 fl4g!}
Best of Luck,
William Brooks
CyberDawgs President
Posted: February 19, 2024, 9:20 PM