CyberPaws CTF: Week 7
Network Sleuth
The next CyberPaws CTF challenge has been released! Please submit your flag to the "Prize Pup Bot" on our Discord via DMs, using the `!submit` command! You have until our next meeting to submit. The flag will always be in the following format: Paws{ex4mpl3_fl4g}.
Category: Forensics
Challenge Name: Network Sleuth
You’ve been contracted to investigate a recent ransomware incident at a Fortune 500 company.
The company suspects that an employee visited a malicious website at work. Luckily, they saved their network logs on an external server that wasn't affected by the attack.
So far, you've deduced which company device was the entrypoint of the attack. Now, your job is to analyze the device's network log and see if you can find the website and any clues about a possible decryption key.
Best of Luck,
William Brooks
CyberDawgs President
Posted: October 23, 2023, 9:02 PM