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myUMBC Posts

CyberPaws CTF: Week 3 (Fall 24)

Who Am I

The Week 3 CyberPaws CTF challenge has been released! Please submit your flag to the "CyberPaws CTF Bot" on our Discord via DMs, using the `!submit` command! You have until our next meeting to...

Posted: September 23, 2024, 8:23 PM

Club Meeting Tonight! Week 3

Competition Team and Tryout Informational Meeting

Hey CyberDawgs, Tonight we are meeting once again from 7:15PM to 8:15PM in ILSB 118! We will be having the Competition Team and Tryout Informational Meeting. We will go over the team's...

Posted: September 23, 2024, 12:24 PM

CyberPaws CTF: Week 2 (Fall 24)

Web Crawling

The Week 2 CyberPaws CTF challenge has been released! Please submit your flag to the "CyberPaws CTF Bot" on our Discord via DMs, using the `!submit` command! You have until our next meeting to...

Posted: September 16, 2024, 8:16 PM

Club Meeting Tonight! Week 2

Virtual Machines, Linux, and Capture the Flag Challenges

Hey CyberDawgs, Tonight we are meeting again from 7:15PM to 8:15PM in ILSB 118! Tonight's topic will be an intro to Virtual Machines, Linux, and Capture the Flag (CTF) challenges! The...

Posted: September 16, 2024, 1:23 PM

Week 1 Meeting Follow-Up

Meeting Slides, Remaining Meeting Topics, and CyberPaws CTF

Hey, CyberDawgs! Thank you to everyone who came to our first club meeting last night and worked with us as we found a room! It was great to see such a packed meeting. Over 70 people were in...

Posted: September 10, 2024, 6:39 PM