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myUMBC Posts

Retriever Robotics at RoboCEO

CEOs and robotics... let's compete!

On Sunday, Retriever Robotics participated in RoboCEO.  The CEOs from companies like Mindgrub competed against each other in a VEX tournament using robots made by surrounding schools.  Both UMBC...

Posted: April 1, 2014, 1:35 PM

Retriever Robotics: Volunteering at FLL

On Saturday, March 1st, Retriever Robotics (RR) members were a few of the approximately 300 volunteers helping out at the FIRST Lego League (FLL) State Championship tournament at UMBC.  FLL is for...

Posted: March 2, 2014, 5:24 PM

Retriever Robotics: First ever competition success!

Last Friday, Retriever Robotics (RR) had our first ever competition at the CSM VEX U Competition.  We ranked in third place and put up a strong fight in the elimination rounds!  (The last game...

Posted: February 14, 2014, 10:46 AM

Thanks for coming!!

Hey Everyone, thanks for coming to the first GBM yesterday and hope you had a great time at Vegas Night!!  If you had not already done so, join our myUMBC group page and make sure you are the...

Posted: February 11, 2014, 8:07 PM

Retriever Robotics: Ready for our Competition!

Good luck tomorrow!

If you haven't noticed, a few people have been walking around campus with pins that have dogs made out of gears.  Yes, it's an awesome design, but that's not the only reason we have been wearing...

Posted: February 6, 2014, 5:36 PM