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Undergraduate Research Award Workshop


Sondheim Hall : 101

Date & Time

October 11, 2017, 12:00 pm12:50 pm


Do you have students who are doing capstone projects, would like to conduct independent research, or who want to work with a faculty mentor on their ongoing research? Please invite your students and faculty to attend an information workshop on how they can apply for an Undergraduate Research Award (URA) and get up to $1500 to support their work!
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
Noon-12:50 p.m.
Sondheim 101

“Win Money and Influence People Through Research” Workshop on Undergraduate Research Awards.

Undergraduate Research Awards provide up to $1,500 to undergraduate students to support their research or creative work with a UMBC faculty mentor on an original project. UMBC students of all years and disciplines are invited to apply, as long as they will remain enrolled at UMBC long enough to complete the proposed work.

**New! Entrepreneurship URAs provide up to $1,500 to undergraduate researchers to support the development of a solution to either a technical or social problem in collaboration with a UMBC faculty mentor. These solutions can be products or services, address a social or “green” concern, or promote ideas that generate artistic value. To be eligible for an Entrepreneurship URA, you must be enrolled as a UMBC student for the duration of the work proposed. For more information, contact Vivian Armor, Director, Alex. Brown Center for Entrepreneurship 410-455-5740, or email armor@umbc.edu.

Applications will open on November 1, and the deadline for completed applications is February 16, 2018.